Online shopping from a great selection at books store. Shop the latest titles by mary ann hogan, rn at alibris including hardcovers, paperbacks, 1st editions, and audiobooks from thousands of sellers worldwide. Mary ann hogan,rn,msn has been a nurse educator for more than 20 years, currently as a clinical assistant professor at the university of massachusetts, amherst. Thobaben ms rn phn apnp fnp, marshelle and a great selection of related books. Vangonotes for mental health nursing audiobook by mary. Nursing fundamentals has prepared thousands of students for success on the nclexrn exam.
Organized by the categories of client needs, each unit represents one of the categories of client needs and contains chapters that integrate concepts from across the nursing. Written by mary ann hogan, rebecca gruener, cory gaylord, audiobook narrated by. See all books authored by mary ann hogan, including maternalnewborn nursing. Each chapter contains objectives, pre and posttests with rationales. Rent mental health nursing 3rd edition 97802956871 today, or search our site for other textbooks by mary ann hogan. Signin to download and listen to this audiobook today. She has taught in diploma, associate degree, and baccalaureate nursing.
Mental health nursing has prepared thousands of students for success on the nclexrn exam. The books in this series have been designed for use either by current nursing students as a study aid. My passion is helping students to prepare for their nursing careers. Each chapter contains objectives, pre and posttests with rationales, vocabulary. This is the ebook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Caring and clinical judgment by harkreader phd rn, helen. Mary ann hogan books list of books by author mary ann hogan. Nursing is the heart of health care, regardless of the setting in which it is provided. Mary ann hogan, rn, cs, msn has been a nurse educator for 20 years, currently as a clinical assistant professor at the university of massachusetts, amherst.
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